New Memberships and Renewing Membership
Welcome to the NHBS membership page, to apply for membership or to renew your membership please select one of the following options. Take care to complete each part the selected form otherwise it will prove unsuccessful.
In addition to the payment methods below you can pay your subscription by bank transfer, the Society bank details can be found on the standing order mandate form but you must inform the General Secretary by email otherwise your payment may not be logged in to the membership records at the time.
If you are renewing a subscription for a friend or relative please state the name and membership number of the person concerned.
Please note that it is a condition of membership that you accept and agree to abide by the Society’s Rules and Data Protection Policy. Payment of your subscription will automatically signify that you accept and will adhere to those rules, copies of both are available from the General Secretary.
Individual Membership
- 2 Journals
- 2 Newsletters
- 1 Member’s Annual Brass
Family Memberships receive
- 2 Journals
- 2 Newsletters
- 2 Member’s Annual Brasses
Membership Application Form
You can print this form and fill in the details required and post it with a cheque to the membership Secretary.
Standing Order Mandate
You can print and complete this Instruction and send to the NHBS General Secretary, after updating the database, the form will be forwarded to your bank for action. This will automatically pay your subscription on the 1st January each year.
Membership Application or Renewal Using PayPal
When using this section you must fill in your membership number or in the case of a new member NM. You also need to enter the type of membership i.e. UK or Overseas, single or family. If you are paying for a friend as a gift you will need to include his or her membership number, also his or her name and address in the special instruction box. Any other instructions can also be placed in that box.
You will find that you cannot complete the payment unless the required questions are completed.
Membership Secretary
Sue Hart
Home Ground Cottage
Caundle Lane
Stalbridge Weston
Stuminster Newton
DT10 2JY
Data Protection Policy 2018
click to read out Data Ptotection Policy